


Reddit の原文
We don't like to talk about our anti-cheat measures. However, there were enough players finding out (or partially finding out) one of our systems that we thought it was time to send out some information.
Several weeks ago, Sean created a way to secure enclosed areas from noclippers. The first version of this gave us some valuable information for analysis! We then enhanced this to include several other of our game systems, which I'll get into below.
What it does: When the door closes on a securable area, the server takes a snapshot of all players within the area. This is the "allowed list". As long as the door remains closed, only players in the allowed list can loot containers, damage other players or secured objects, or use proximity crafting from secured containers.
To keep exploiting from happening both into and out of these secured areas, we mandate that they are windowless, fully-enclosed models. The following can be secured:
Shack, Small Shack, Shelter, Upper Level Shelter, Large Shelter, Upper Level Large Shelter, Shed
Any door which attaches to the structures above can be used to make the area secure.
Outer areas on foundations, even those enclosed with walls and gates, are currently not securable. If you want to secure your containers, they must be inside one of the above-listed structures.
We've seen the cheater focus shift from noclipping into these areas to damaging the doors instead. This is great news, as it means the secured areas are having their intended effect. We're analyzing data from door destructions in order to proceed to the next step of reducing cheaters.
Until then, thank you for your cheater reporting! We know how frustrating it is to lose hard work to no-talent cheaters, and are working hard to eliminate them as often as possible.

数週間前、Sean (開発者)は閉じられたエリアをチーターから保護する手法を考案した。この最初のバージョンは我々に分析のための価値ある情報をもたらした!我々はこれを他のいくつかのゲームシステムの中に組み込むために発展させた、それがこれから話す内容だ。



Shack, Small Shack, Shelter, Upper Level Shelter, Large Shelter, Upper Level Large Shelter, Shed





2 件のコメント:

  1. 既にこれをやってくれてるってことですか?

    1. 既に行っているかどうかの明言はされていません。しかし、文脈やチーターがドア破りにシフトしたことから見て既に実施されているということだと思います。
