



Reddit の原文
We're updating our Test Server with a partial update for the world and features. We won't have the Team BR servers turned on just yet, but you will get to see the new weather settings (I think there might be a few showers as well as fog now) and the changes to the map, the updated BEAR AI is included.
There will be more detailed notes tomorrow (7/2) with all the enabled and expected features, and there will also be another update with some additional edits later tonight.
(Steam Build ID 680481)
"私達はテストサーバーに新要素のアップデートを適用しようとしているところだ。まだチームBRは入っていない、しかし新しい天候の設定(たぶん霧と同じような感じで”シャワー”が少し入るだろう) 、地図の変更、熊のAIのアップデートが入る。


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